Data analytics is commonly described as a process of examining data sets to draw conclusions on the basis of information available in them with the help of various software or specialized systems. Business Analytics is a broader concept and it includes the application of data analytics for making decisions in the organization.It focuses on Reports, KPIs (Key Performance Indicator) and trends and does descriptive analysis. Analytics nowadays has become a very crucial part of commercial industries as it enables a more informed business decisions based on scientific data and research which improves company’s operational efficiency, customer service, ensures competitive advantage and increase revenues.
It is extensively used in industries like financial services, retail, healthcare, manufacturing, energy, gas & oil, social media, gaming, ecommerce, sports, etc. The course comprises of Computer simulation, optimization, statistics, decision analysis, artificial intelligence, data mining and visualization, predictive modeling, marketing, supply chain, applications in finance and many more. Department of Business Intelligence offer courses like Ph.D., Master courses, Certificate and PG Diploma Courses related to Data analysis. Department of Business Intelligence is a department run under the B.K. School of Professional and Management Studies. The department offers full time MBA programme namely
Gujarat University is the largest and the first University of Gujarat State incorporated under the Gujarat University Act in 1949. The University started its operation with 21 affiliated colleges and 3 recognized institutions. Today, the University has 252 affiliated colleges, 15 recognized institutions, 23 approved institutions, 34 PG departments, 237 PG centres and 7 Post-graduate University Schools. The University has pioneered in developing curriculum and courses in emerging areas since its inception.